|   cspec |
cspec is a program for working with spectra. It can open text files with columnar
data or binary files in unifspec format. It was developed specifically for use on the
HST Treasury Program on Eta Carinae for HST STIS data. It is general enough though that
it can be used with any continuous data in the form y=f(x).
cspec can be used to view, print and analyze spectra. It currently supports equivalent
width and full width at half-max (FWHM) calculations. Plots can be exported in JPEG,
PNG or EPS format. It also support printing of plots.
cspec is written using
GTK+ and should in theory work on any machine that can compile and run GTK+ applications. It has been tested on Linux and Sun Solaris.
To download, install and run, check out the
the author with questions or problems.