Spectra Archive


Detail View

ID: c821_0130

   Integration time: 348s
Slit position angle: -28.024° 
          Left edge: 2900 
         Right edge: 3051 
             Center: 2976 
             Target: A 
     Instrument: CCD 
            MJD: 50891.50
Optical Element: G230MB 
       Aperture: 52X0.1 
              x: 0.000   (RA : 161.265083°) 
              y: 0.000   (Dec: -59.684472°) 
Slit center row for x,y: 512.27 
Interactive slit displayCommands

Click the image to recenter the image at the position you clicked.
Standard zoom is the default (you can see the whole image from standard zoom).
Standard center is where the image is centered on the star's center.

As you move your mouse over the image, coordinates will appear above. These values are in our X and Y system.

Preview image for c821_0130 Preview image for c821_0130

Display: Color or Grayscale

This is a low-resolution preview image, not the real data!

Preview image values (1 row is 0.025 arcseconds)
        Minimum row: 120 
        Maximum row: 915 
     Minimum column: 42 
     Maximum column: 2078